Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cuticles, Corn Rows and Double Dipping - A public service announcement.

3 common skin care mistakes you're probably making!

1. There's a fungus among us?? I hope not. Most nail salons use one of these bad boys to trim your cuticles. While your nails look great that day, cutting the cuticle leaves the underlying root of your nail (called the nail matrix) vulnerable to infection. The cuticle is there for a reason: to protect your nails! Now leave it alone!

2. Tight hair styles - corn rows, slicked back pony tails, weaves, etc... will make you GO BALD! If you put your hair follicles under pressure for long enough, they will fall out, leaving behind a shiny scar. We call this traction alopecia and it is irreversible. So loosen it up!

3. Waxing: hurts like hell, but leaves skin smooth and hairless. But why, oh why, do they double dip that nasty wooden stick?? How many other people do you think they used it on? The wax is basically made of hot sugar - a perfect petri dish for growing grossness... sticks cost less than a penny each. When they double dip, they're not only being SUPER CHEAP, but they're putting you at risk of catching a skin infection. When it comes to Brazilians/ Brozilians, infections are NEVER fun. If they double dip the stick, pull your pants up and RUN!